Dillon Snowplay @ Marina Park
There is nothing like the creativity and spontaneity of snowplay. Come out to Dillon's Marina Park January 28 - February 5, 2017 and participate in the fun of outdoor snowplay at Dillon's Marina Park. Snow sculptors from Team Sandtastic will be creating a custom snow sculpture with interactive features and fun for all.
The carving starts January 26th. Stop by and see the team as they pack, shape and create a unique snow sculpture and snow features in Marina Park, 9am - dusk.
The Dillon Snowplay area will be open to the public beginning January 28 @ 3:30 pm. Marina Park is open daily from sunrise until one hour after sunset.
Dillon Snowplay safety information:
User assumes ALL risk while using Dillon Snowplay features.
This area is intended for children under 12 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult. This area is not supervised by Town of Dillon staff. Parents should inspect all features of the Dillon Snowplay prior to child’s use of the facility.
Do not throw snow or ice.
Please be considerate of the features and structures.
Marina Park is open daily from sunrise until one hour after sunset.
Have fun and respect all users of this facility.